New year’s python meme 2013
Today is the final day of 2013, time to write New year’s python meme. This is the last year’s one:
1. What’s the coolest Python application, framework or library you have discovered in 2013 ?
Kaa is the coolest application. This is a CUI editor written in Python3.3. It is easy to use and useful, so I changed to use it on a routine basis. The development of kaa is very active, a new version is available almost everyday. Check out the version history.
I’m checking a Webframe work named morepath, too.
2. What new programming technique did you learn in 2013 ?
I learned how to distribute packages, creating libraries and Web frameworks. And learned the basics of Python, HTTP and WSGI. Last year, I didn’t know about them. just I created own Web applications using some frameworks. I aimed to learn them, written in 2012’s python meme. All of things I created and contributed are available on next section.
3. Which open source project did you contribute to the most in 2012 ? What did you do ?
May be Django. This year I joined one of django authors.
Or, Uiro framework.
And I created many libraries this year:
- genaa: genaa, a ASCII Art generator
- django-websettings: Django application to provide a web interface to set a yet another django’s settings
- Uiro framework: le Web framework for Python
- matcha: A WSGI dispatcher
- django-yacbv: Replacement for Django’s ClassBasedView.
- gargant.dispatch: Flexible dispatcher for WSGI Applications
- raven-django-newauth: Sentry client for django application using django-newauth.
- django-beautifulpredicates: Library to provide a predicate dispatch for Django’s generic views.
I also contributed existed projects:
- django: Adding a minor feature for django 1.6 with coolRR, reviewed by Claudep.
- django-localflavor: Fixed a form providing Japanese prefectures, reviewed by nagisa.
- django-admin-tools: Adding a test for Django 1.6.
- pyramid_layout: Fixed bug on Panels withoud Layounts, reviewed by tseaver and chrisrossi.
4. Which Python blog or website did you read the most in 2013 ?
- Reddit, especially /r/python, and /r/django.
- SecretWeblog.
In Japanese:
5. What are the three top things you want to learn in 2014 ?
- English:
Next year, I will join to EuroPython2014. This will be the first time to join another country’s event. I will learn about English in order to enjoy this event much more. I listen to VOA Leaning English these days.
- How to keep developing and improving one project:
This year I created many packages, but almost of them are left alone. And I learned that the first release is not so important. To create effective and useful software, it is necessary to keep creating and improving.
- Not only Web. I’ve learned about Web programming for about 2 years:
This year, I will try to create something not relating Web. For the first step, now I’m creating genaa, a command line tool.
6. What is the top software, application or library you wish someone would write in 2014 ?
genaa is.
And some Web applications or libraries for Pyramid, not only Django.
I learned many things in 2013. I wish I would write more interesting things in 2014. Have a good holiday.